What is the use of F1 key in SAP?
Ans: F1 – Help.
What is the use of F4 key in SAP?
Ans: F4 – Possible entries or match code for the field you are
What is the use of F5 key in SAP?
Ans: F5 – Selection screen
What is the use of F7 key in SAP?
Ans: F7 – Previous screen
What is the use of F8 key in SAP?
Ans: F8 – Next screen
What is the use of F9 key in SAP?
Ans: F9 – Technical info
What is the use of /n in SAP?
Ans: /n – Skip to the next record if you are processing one batch
input session.
What is the use of /bend in SAP?
Ans: /bend – Cancel a batch input foreground process.
What is the use of /nend in SAP?
Ans: /nend – Close all R/3 sessions and logoff.
What is the use of /nxxxx in SAP?
Ans: /nxxxx – Call the transaction xxxx in the same session.
What is the use of /o in SAP?
Ans: /o – Generate a session list.
What is the use of /oxxxx in SAP?
Ans: /oxxxx – Call the transaction xxxx in an additional session.
What is the use of /i in SAP?
Ans: /i – Delete the current session.
What is the use of /h in SAP?
Ans: /h – Turn the debug mode on.
What is the use of /$tab in SAP?
Ans: /$tab – Reset all buffers (for System Administrators).
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